Pre-Close IT-ODD Carve-Out TSA Provisions Assessment Advisory Services

 Pre-Close IT-ODD Carve-Out TSA Provisions Assessment Advisory Services

Within the context of the actual configuration of any available, relevant IT platform — our core strategically focused IT-ODD  advisory services (i.e., which assess the Target’s IT capabilities as a sufficient platform for supporting existing operations and enabling defined, strategic growth objectives) are expanded to include a specific review of the Purchase/Sale Agreement and associated Transition Services Agreement (TSA) provisions regarding continuing IT support from the parent/selling entity, with suggested changes specifically identified for consideration.

IT-related transaction risks and documentation are assessed, with remedial recommendations identified.

A written report of findings and recommendations is generated and Site Visits to the Parent/Selling Entity’s Corporate HQ and/or all/most of the Target’s facilities are conducted in order to validate the actual deployment, and/or identify necessary replacement, of the relevant, available IT capabilities that will potentially utilized by the standalone carved-out entity.