Independent & Unbiased

Independent & Unbiased

2.   Our exclusive focus is to provide independent, unbiased, strategically-focused IT-ODD advisory services related to Private Equity-sponsored Middle-Market Transactions.

  • Our IT-ODD advisory services can be provided on a post-close basis in the case of some lower middle-market transactions with minimal IT capabilities. We will assist with the implementation of our IT-ODD findings, at the request of our Private Equity Clients.  However, we do not seek to provide IT consulting services.
  • By comparison, that means that we do not perform IT-ODD engagements looking for high-value follow-on consulting fees.  Generally, financial due diligence, IT consultancy and other providers all market their IT-Due Diligence services among a broad array of IT-related services, all of which yield significantly greater fees than a customary pre-close IT-Due Diligence engagement.

Can your IT-ODD provider truly act in your best-interests, independent and unbiased, when the state of the Target’s IT capabilities represents a significantly more lucrative future revenue opportunity?